Fiends of Koolunga Native Reserve

The Friends of Koolunga Native Reserve

In 1994 local residents established the Friends of Koolunga Native Reserve and the community have continued volunteering to preserve and enhance its unique indigenous bushland and creek line. 


The Friends Group meets on the second  Saturday  of each month between 10am and 12 noon.

For all upcoming activities, please see our calendar

Interested volunteers work throughout every month to preserve and enhance the unique flora and fauna of Knox via hands-on activities, community engagement, education and other projects supporting biodiversity. The group also assists Council at the nearby Wirrianda Reserve and Vaughan Reserve and provides volunteers to facilitate Council-led community activities.


You can join in person or by contacting the person listed below. 


The main entrance to Koolunga Native Reserve is located off Forest Rd in  Ferntree Gully, at the intersection of Hutton Ave and Old Forest Rd. 


Contact: Moyra Farrington

Telephone: 03 9762 5102



Hands-on Working Bees

Caring for Country

Citizen Science

Creek Quality Testing

Habitat Projects

Protecting Diverse Flora from Invasive Weeds

Social Community

Supporting Habitat for Native Fish

Wildlife Monitoring