Medium Shrubs

Medium Shrubs

This section covers shrubs 1 meter to 4 meters tall.

Acacia acinacea - Gold Dust Wattle

0.5-2.5 m x 2-4 m

Open spreading shrub. Flowers in profuse bright yellow balls along arching branches.

Adaptable to well drained soils. Full sun, semi-shade.

A good low screening plant.

Acacia genistifolia - Spreading Wattle

1-3 m x 1-3 m

Fast growing, open spreading shrub with perfumed lemon ball flowers.

Reliable shrub tolerating wet or dry soil. Full sun, semi-shade.

A common refuge for small birds.

Acacia myrtifolia - Myrtle wattle

1-3 m x 1-2 m

A rounded or erect shrub with red, ribbed branches and cream to yellow flowers. 

Most soils. Full sun to full shade.

Provides a fast-growing low screen. Heavy pruning can be beneficial.

Acacia paradoxa - Hedge Wattle

2-4 m x 2-5 m

Fast growing dense spreading shrub. Prickly tree, abundant large golden yellow balls.

Dry to moist well drained situations. Full sun, semi-shade.

A very ornamental wattle. A noxious weed in some rural areas.

Acacia stictophylla  - Cinnamon Wattle

Synonym: Acacia leprosa

2-4 m x 2-4 m

Fast growing small tree. Drooping, aromatic foliage with scented lemon ball flowers. 

Moist to well drained soils. Semi-shade to full shade.

Rare in Victoria. An excellent medium screening plant.

Acacia ulicifolia - Juniper Wattle

1-2 m x 1-2 m

Open rounded tree with prickly leaves. Perfumed cream ball-shaped flowers.

Well drained dry sandy soils. Full sun, semi-shade.

Fast-growing, and suitable as an ornamental screen or windbreak.

Allocasuarina paludosa - Swamp Sheoke

0.5-2 m x 1 - 2 m

Slow growing, open or dense tree, brown flowers.

Moist to wet clay or sandy soils. Frost tolerant. Full sun, semi-shade.

Banksia spinulosa - Hairpin Banksia

2-4 m x 2-5 m

Dense tree, narrow dark green toothed leaves, flowers are golden yellow spikes.

Prefers moist well drained soils but will tolerate dryness once established. Full sun, semi-shade.

An excellent shrub for growing under established trees. Can prune lightly.

Cassinia aculeata - Dogwood

2-4 m x 1-2 m

Open, upright shrub. Aromatic, cauliflower heads of white flowers, or sometimes pink flowers.

Heavy, moist and well drained soils. Semi-shade.

Cassinia longifolia - Shiny Cassinia

2-4 m x 2-3 m

Medium upright aromatic shrub. Dense terminal clusters of small white flowers.

Moist, well drained and drier soils, often found in rockery sites. Semi-shade to full shade.

An adaptable shrub to most conditions.

Cassinia sifton - Drooping Cassina, Chinese Scrub

2-4 m x 1-2 m

Fine foliaged shrub, drooping form. Whitish flowers. Buds often pink.

Heavy, moist and well drained soils. Semi-shade.

Coprosma hirtella - Rough Coprosma

1-2 m x 0.5-1.5 m

Slender tree with rough, dull green leaves. 

Moist, well drained sheltered position. Semi-shade to full shade.

Coprosma quadrifida - Prickly Currant Bush

2-4 m 1-2 m

Open, upright, spiny shrub. Red fruit.

Moist well drained soil. Semi-shade to full shade.

A useful plant to grow with ferns.

Correa reflexa var lobata - Correa 

(Mt. Dandenong form)

0.3-2 m x 1-2 m

Leaf margins scalloped, calyx lobes deeply triangular.

Correa reflexa var reflexa - Native Fuchsia

0.3-2 m x 1-2 m

Open, upright shrub with green bells.

Well drained soils. Full sun, semi-shade.

Red-flowering forms with yellow tips are known.

Daviesia latifolia - Broad Leaf pea

1-3 m x 1-2 m

Spreading shrub, racemes of fragrant yellow & brown flowers.

Adaptable to most soils. Full sun, semi-shade.

Useful in massed plantings for screening or hedges.

Daviesia leptophylla - Slender Bitter Pea

Stiff, dull green linear leaves, racemes of yellow and red flowers.

Dillwynia cinerascens - Grey Parrot-pea

0.6-1.5 m x 0.5-1.5 m

Open understorey shrub, greyish-green leaves with yellow and orange pea flowers

Dry soils. Semi-shade.

An adaptable plant for a shady situation.

Epacris impressa - Common Heath

0.5-1.5 m x 20-60 cm

Open, wiry shrub with masses of white or pink flowers. Victoria's floral emblem.

Moist, well drained soil, tolerating limited dry or wet periods once established. Semi-shade.

An attractive rockery plant.

Goodenia ovata - Hop Goodenia

1-2.5 m x 1-3 m

Small to medium open erect shrub. Yellow flowers, fast growing. Also semi-prostrate form.

Damp soils, tolerating waterlogging. Full sun to full shade.

If straggly can be pruned.

Grevillea alpina - Mountain Grevillea

1-2 m x 1-2 m

Dense, upright shrub with clusters of bright red and yellow flowers in terminal clusters.

Well drained soils. Semi-shade.

A showy understorey shrub. Prune frequently when young.

Gynatrix pulchella - Austral Hemp Bush

2-4 m x 1.5-3 m

Open woody shrub to small tree. Hairy, heart-shaped leaves.

Well drained moist soil. Semi-shade.

Often profuse in flower. Prune regularly to avoid becoming straggly.

Hakea decurrens ssp. physocarpa - Silky Hakea

2-5 m x 1-3 m

Stiff, spreading prickly needles. Masses of fragrant white or occasionally pink flower clusters.

Adaptable to moist or dry conditions. Full sun, semi-shade.  

The prickly foliage provides a safe habitat for small birds.

Hakea nodosa - Yellow Hakea

1-3 m x 1-2 m

Erect and spreading. Small yellow flowers and soft needles.

Tolerates poor drainage but grows well in dry or moist conditions. Full sun to full shade.

Attractive in flower. Provides a good low screen. Quick growing.

Hakea teretifolia - Dagger Hakea

2-3 m x 1-3 m

Dense, upright and spreading shrub. Masses of hairy, white flowers and stiff, sharp needles.

Adaptable to any well drained situation. Full sun, semi-shade.

Seed germinates readily after fires.

Hakea ulicina - Furze Hakea

1.5-4 m x 1-2 m

Rigid upright shrub. Cream flowers.

Well drained dry to moist soils. Full sun, semi-shade.

Excellent bird and animal habitat.

Indigofera australis - Austral Indigo

1-2 m x 1-2 m

Open spreading and erect shrub. Mauve flowers in spring.

Adaptable to any well drained soil. Full sun to full shade. Lime tolerant.

Very attractive in flower.

Leptospermum continentale - Prickly Tea-tree

1-2 m x 1-2 m

Upright, dense and straggling shrub. Masses of white flowers in spring.

Adaptable, tolerating both well drained and moist to wet soils. Full sun, semi-shade.

Leptospermum myrsinoides - Silky Tea-tree

0.5-2.5 m x 1 m

Compact or wiry shrub, dull green leaves and white or pink flowers.

Adaptable, usually on deep sandy soil, tolerating poor drainage. Full sun, semi-shade.

An attractive shrub for understorey planting.

Leptospermum scoparium - Manuka

Horizontal form

2 m x 1.5-3 m

Dense shrub. Leaves rigid and prickly. White flowers.

Moist soils. Full sun, semi-shade.

Melicytus dentatus - Tree Violet

Synonym: Hymenanthera dentata

To 1.5 m high

Wide spreading shrub. Scented tree, small berries.

Dry soil. Full sun.

Olearia asterotricha - Rough Daisy Bush

1-2 m x 1 m

Dull green, rough & hairy foliage with single blue to mauve flowerheads on long stalks.

Well drained moist soils. Semi-shade.

Rare in Victoria.

Olearia erubescens - Moth Daisy Bush

1-1.5 m x 1-1.5 m

Small loose panicles of white to pink flowerheads with yellow centres.

Well drained soils tolerating dryness once established. Full sun, semi-shade.

Looks good planted amongst other shrubs.

Ozothamnus ferrugineus - Tree Everlasting

2-4 m x 2-4 m

Open rounded shrub. White flower heads.

Moist well drained soil. Full sun, semi-shade.

Olearia glandulosa - Swamp Daisy-bush

1-2 m x 1 m

Open erect shrub. Fine, dark green, sticky leaves. Dense white or pale blue flowerheads.

Damp conditions. Locally rare.

Olearia phlogopappa - Dusty Daisy-bush

1-3 m x 1-2 m

Fast growing open to dense shrub. Masses of long-stalked white flowerheads with yellow centres.

Well drained moist soils. Full sun, semi-shade.

One of the most attractive local olearia species. Prune after flowering.

Olearia ramulosa var ramulosa - Twiggy Daisy-bush

0.5-2.5 m x 1 m

Open spindly, often sprawling shrub.Fast growing, white flowers.

Well drained soils. Semi-shade.

Attractive garden plant.

Olearia rugosa - Wrinkled Daisy Bush

1-2 m x 1 m

Spindly, upright shrub. Small white flowers with yellow or purplish disc florets. 

Moist well drained soil. Semi-shade.

An attractive foliage plant for a sheltered position.

Ozothamnus obcordatus - Grey Everlasting

1-2 m x 1 m

Slender or spreading erect shrub. Numerous dense clusters of tubular yellow flowers.

Well drained dryish conditions. Full sun, semi-shade.

A showy shrub for a difficult spot.

Pimelea axiflora - Bootlace Bush, Tough Rice Flower

1-3 m x 1-2 m

Open, erect shrub with dark green leaves and small creamy-white flowers.

Moist well drained soil. Semi-shade to full shade.

Bark was used by Aborigines to make nets and headbands. Early settlers used bark for bootlaces.

Polyscias sambucifolia - Elderberry Panax

1-3 m x 1-3 m

Rounded shrub or small tree. Clusters of small yellow-green flowers. Edible fruits.

Moist soil. Semi-shade to full shade.

Pomaderris lanigera - Woolly Pomaderris

1-3 m x 1-3 m

Erect hairy shrub, hairy leaves, large cluster of yellow flowers.

Moist well drained soil. Full sun, semi-shade.

An attractive low screening plant. Spectacular in flower.

Pultenaea gunnii - Golden Bush Pea

0.5-1.5 m x 0.5-1 m

Wiry erect or straggling shrub with golden flowers.

Well drained soils. Full sun, semi-shade.

Spectacular in flower. Grows well under established trees.

Pultenaea scabra - Rough Bush-pea

1-2 m x 0.5-1.5 m

Erect or rounded hairy shrub with masses of orange-yellow flowers in terminal clusters.

Well drained soil which does not dry out. Semi-shade to dappled shade.

Senecio campylocarpus - Fireweed

To 1.5 m x 1-1.5 m

Erect perennial herb. Loose clusters of brown bottle-shaped flowers.

Moist clay and loams, winter-wet soils. Full sun, semi-shade.

Senecio hispidulus - Rough Fireweed

Synonyms: Senecio hispidulus var hispidulus, Senecio hispidulus var dissectus

0.2-1.3 m high

Erect perennial herb with branched clusters of inconspicuous flowerheads. Leave margins variably toothed and dissected.

Senecio linearifolius - Fireweed Groundsel

1-1.7 m x 1-2 m

Erect perennial herb with large flat-topped clusters of numerous small flowerheads.

Moist soils. Semi-shade to full shade.

A brilliant display in flower.

Solanum aviculare - Kangaroo Apple

1-4 m x 1-4 m

Erect soft woody shrub. Purple flowers, red fruit.

Well drained soils. Full sun to full shade.

A decorative fast growing shrub becoming straggly with age. Appreciates heavy pruning.

Solanum laciniatum - Large Kangaroo Apple

1-3 m x 1-3 m

Fast growing shrub. Bluish to purple flowers, orange fruit.

Moderate to well drained soil. Full sun, semi-shade to dappled shade.

Spyridium parvifolium - Australian Dusty Miller

1-2 m x 1-2 m

Soft, dense spreading shrub, grey-green foliage. Small white flowers.

Moist well drained soils, tolerating dryness once established. Semi-shade to dappled shade.

Provides a light screen in dry, shady areas.

Veronica derwentiana - Derwent Speedwell

0.6-1.4 m x 0.5-1 m

Upright to straggly open perennial shrub. Terminal sprays of white or pale-blue flowers.

Moist well drained soil.

Hard pruning encourages more vigorous growth.