Gardens For Wildlife

Gardens For Wildlife - Knox

The Gardens for Wildlife (G4W) program is a free to join community of Knox residents wanting to provide habitat  and help protect local biodiversity in their gardens.

The program is a  partnership between the Knox Environment Society, City of Knox Council and local community and is designed to encourage residents and businesses in Knox to create an area in their garden for local wildlife. 

Why join?

How to join 

Visit Knox City Council's website to register your property.

Please note

This program is available only to residents Knox City Council, to see if your local council has a program, please see Gardens for Wildlife Victoria.



Making your backyard and balcony buzz - Presented by Melissa Allen (Knox Environment Society), Irene Kelly (Gardens For Wildlife) and Kerry Davies (Australian Native Plant Society).

How to create a frog bog habitat - Gardening Australia

How to build a lizard lounge - Gardening Australia

How to make your garden wildlife friendly - Gardening Australia

Make a Native Bee Hotel and attract native bees into your garden - Gardening Australia

Featured Local G4W Gardens

Partnership Agreement

The Gardens for Wildlife program in Knox is developed and delivered under a partnership agreement between Knox Environment Society, Knox City Council and the volunteers of the Gardens for Wildlife program. The partnership group is made up of representatives from Knox City Council, Knox Environment Society and volunteers from within the program and this group is responsible for shared decision making, accountability, development of the program and delivery of the program.

The partnership group meets together monthly to discuss matters at hand and progress the activities of the program. Together, we co-sign the path forward and with equal voice, addressing operational matters, roles and responsibilities, planning and celebration of our achievements.