Friends of the Gully

Friends of the Gully

Newly formed in 2021, Friends of the Gully (FROGY) are based in Ferntree Gully. Our members share a passion for the beautiful and unique environment of the Dandenong Ranges Foothills.

We hope to extend on the work of fellow groups Friends of Koolunga, Friends of Blind Creek Billabong and First Friends of Dandenong Creek. We will be focussing on the Blind Creek corridor from the Dandenong Ranges National Park down to the Belgrave Railway line (Underwood Road).

In this area, the Blind Creek passes through several parks – Chatham Ave Reserve, Rylstone St Reserve  and a small reserve at 3 Veronica Street. Much of the creek in this area flows through deep gullys and is so choked with weeds that you could be forgiven for missing it completely!

This section of remnant creek and vegetation is covered in the “Sites of Biological Significance in Knox, Vol 2. 28/06/2010 – Site 33 – Blind Creek Corridor” and the vegetation belongs to the Valley Heathy Forest or Grassy Forest class.

The aim of this project is to bring the upper section of the Blind Creek back into the daylight, for the benefit of the environment, indigenous fauna, Ferntree Gully residents and visitors to the area.

We would like to reduce weed infestation, restore indigenous vegetation and generally improve the beauty and amenity of creek corridor and the parks along it.

Aims of FROGY


The Friends of the Gully meet on the fourth Saturday of each month between 10am and 12noon

Please check our Calendar for more information.


Friends of the Gully operate as a special interest sub-group within Knox Environment Society. Participants in the Friends group will need to be a KES Member for insurance purposes.  KES membership is low cost, and you may attend one session for free before joining. 

Nest Box installation at Chatham Ave Reserve
Working bee May 2022


The Friends Group regular working bees will take place in the Chatham Ave reserve in Ferntree Gully, meeting at the bridge. 

Special events may occur elsewhere; refer to the calendar for details.


Contact: Robyn Madsen

Telephone: 0425 753 886 



Clean up at Nest Box installation at Chatham Ave Reserve

Working bee May 2022